Viasat Land Xpress

Viasat Inmarsat Logo

Global Ka-band Service

Land Xpress offers high-speed broadband over the Inmarsat Global Xpress Ka-band network with a consistent user experience worldwide. Steerable spot beams target capacity where needed for constant, reliable performance.

The service is suitable for personnel on the move, on the pause or at a fixed location, with hand-carry, transportable, vehicle-mounted, and static terminals available from 0.6 to 2.4 meters in diameter. Multi-megabit data rates allow more bandwidth-intensive applications such as large file transfer, live video, and satellite backhaul, as well as voice, email, messaging, internet access, and videoconferencing. Service plans include a choice of Committed and Maximum Information Rates with flexible contract lengths.

SD’s private terrestrial infrastructure is directly connected to Inmarsat’s satellite ground stations for Global Xpress to deliver secure, end-to-end global connectivity of customer traffic.

Category: High Speed
Applications: Land Mobile

Our experts are ready to discuss your requirements and create a customized solution that meets your objectives. 

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Gogo Business Aviation (Gogo) and Satcom Direct (SD) have come together to form the only truly global, multi-orbit, multi-band in-flight connectivity provider, serving the fast-growing business aviation and military/government mobility markets.

This strategic partnership combines two industry-leading technology companies that will deliver best in class, purpose-built solutions for all segments of the business aviation market.

We are reimagining the inflight wi-fi experience from tip to tail to connect you beyond all expectations. Whether for corporate jets or military aircraft, we will continue to set the standard for reliability, security, and innovation in aviation connectivity.

Together, Gogo and Satcom Direct are shaping the future of inflight connectivity, making it easier than ever for customers to stay connected without limitations.  Learn more