Validating our equipment before we provide it to our customers sits at the heart of Satcom Direct’s philosophy. As a user of our own services, we are well-positioned to rigorously test each and every service before it is commercially introduced. We also pride ourselves in our long and strong relationships with the leading providers of the services we deliver.
As one of the largest resellers of Iridium services and hardware to the U.S. Department of Defense, we were proud when Iridium invited SD Government to participate in Iridium’s performance validation exercise, Operation Pacific Wave – or in the exercise parlance OPW.
The event, which took place at the end of September, involved a series of partnership-driven field exercises involving more than 20 organizations deploying equipment in live scenarios. It allowed SD Government to demonstrate how it supports Iridium services across the region. Transmission covered a wide geographical area incorporating bases in Australia, Hawaii, the Philippines and Japan, with some extending as far as South Africa, Alaska, and Antarctica.
Voice/data/video on the move; global push to talk, telemedicine, search and rescue, as well as other services were showcased throughout OPW, emphasizing how we optimize the Iridium network to deliver resilient, real-time connectivity with global capabilities.
The performance assessment, organized by Iridium, demonstrated the efficacy of SD Government’s Iridium Connected® services. Participation in the expedition confirmed SD Government’s position as a leading provider of Iridium Certus services for the U.S. Government and its agencies worldwide. We also showed our proficiency in delivering reliable, consistent communications to the most remote locations. The ability to support the operational need for Beyond Line of Sight (BLOS) communications and mission command is imperative for those working in isolated and weather-challenged locations. We are proud to have demonstrated our ability to support these mission-critical requirements.
SD Government and Iridium have a working relationship built on years of collaboration. The extensive Operation Pacific Waves validation exercise enabled SD to demonstrate its ongoing commitment to supporting Iridium, as well as providing SD with a platform to reaffirm its product capabilities. The elite series of partnership-driven demonstration exercises highlighted how SD supports communication capabilities in harsh environments. This assessment is extremely valuable for SD Government and showcases how we harness our partner relationships to improve our own products and evolve theirs, to provide enhanced services to our mutual global clients.
Earlier in the year, SD Government successfully participated in Operation Arctic Lynx, which also allowed us to demonstrate our strength as a solutions provider for all types of users, including commercial, Government and military clients. SD Government provides personalized services for customers in remote, challenging environments and optimizes the flexibility of the Iridium network to deliver customized satellite technology that supports essential and mission-critical communications in the toughest of environments.
If you operate in such landscapes, get in touch with us to find out how we can support your connectivity needs.