Flight Deck Solutions

Improve your inflight safety, efficiency, and passenger experience while collecting key aircraft data to further enhance flight operations.

SD Flight Deck Solutions offer secure, cost-effective datalink communications between the pilot and ground systems or other aircraft.

Datalink communications also enable the collection and transfer of aircraft data for integration with your flight operations. This goes beyond standard flight tracking to the extraction of ‘big data’ to further optimize safety and efficiency, including fuel use, engine, and key systems performance. SD Flight Deck Solutions are fully compliant and support datalink communications for business and military aviation worldwide. And are compatible with all avionics and airframe manufacturers.

FlightDeck Freedom®

Secure, cost-effective datalink communications.

Telemedicine Service

Full medical support from Aircare International.

FlightDeck Freedom

SD 的 FlightDeck Freedom (FDF) 是唯一整合駕駛艙和客艙通訊並連接到領先的國際旅行規劃服務的資料鏈通訊平台。 

它與所有航空電子設備和機身製造商完全相容,提供安全、經濟高效的數據鏈通信,支援商業和軍用航空。 FDF 將多個飛機組件連接到一個開放平台中的地面解決方案,該平台與您的飛行運營生態系統完全集成,以改善用戶體驗和運營效率 – 克服其他數據鏈解決方案所遇到的限制。 

它還整合了基於效能的通訊和監視 (PBCS) 監控,以確保您的飛機的數據鏈通訊效能符合行業標準。

  • 飛行計劃上傳至FMS(與20+飛行計劃提供者)
  • FANS(CPDLC 和 ADS-C)空中交通服務 (ATS) 訊息傳送
  • 飛行計劃Winds 上傳至 FMS
  • 數位山西龐泉溝國家級自然保護區管理局
  • 出發前及海洋清關
  • 自動向電子郵件、傳真或手機發送運動報告(起飛和著陸)
  • 透過電子郵件、傳真或手機發送飛機訊息
  • 直接透過電子郵件存取飛機:tail#@fdfmail.com允許授權使用者直接向 MCDU 上的機組人員發送訊息
  • 引擎監控報告
  • 中央維修計算機 (CMC) 訊息
  • 符合條件的航空電子設備的圖形天氣(附加)
  • 獨有的 SD 短代碼存取座艙通訊系統狀態
  • SD Pro 帳戶和 FDF 設定管理
  • 透過 SD Pro Flight Tracker 進行全球航班跟踪
  • Tracker Mail:電子郵件服務,允許將飛機位置資訊請求傳送到請求者的裝置。
  • 造訪全球 VHF 和 VDL 模式 2 地面站
  • SD 訂閱服務區域的 GeoService 通知

發送警報以指示衛星網路覆蓋範圍、DIRECTV/OneView 服務區域、潛在資料安全問題區域和其他自訂區域的 GeoFence 邊界。這些服務提供改道計劃,透過每五分鐘更新一次數據、即時通知以及監控不斷變化和危險的天氣條件來避免潛在的危險情況。

FDF GeoFences 如何支援客戶營運的一個例子是一個新警報,該警報旨在警告飛機注意從法屬圭亞那發射的火箭可能掉落的太空碎片。這一特定事件涉及常見的近海航線,可能對該地區的飛機造成嚴重危害。GeoFence 為此類情況增加了額外的安全係數,並有助於提高連接可靠性。


FlightDeck Freedom支援所有海上、先進的空中交通管制安全服務,以確保您的飛機符合要求:未來空中導航系統(FANS)、自動相關監視合約(ADS-C)和管制員-飛行員資料鏈通訊(CPDLC) SD與世界各地的空中導航服務供應商合作,透過資料鏈提高安全服務的合規性

PBCS監控有助於確保飛機符合產業規定,例如北大西洋高空域(NAT HLA)的規定。SD PBCS監控也針對問題問題提供故障報告和故障排除協助,促使營運商恢復合規性。 

Data Link Unit

SD 資料連結單元 (DLU) 是唯一經過 FAA TSO-C159c 認證的 FANS over Iridium 系統。

FANS-1/A+ 是最新的數位文字訊息系統,用於飛行員與地面系統或其他飛機之間的通訊。它減少了溝通錯誤,消除了傳統語音系統通常會遇到的重複以及語言或口音問題,從而提高了安全性和效率,特別是在擁擠的空域。它允許與空中交通管制和其他飛機進行單獨通信,而不影響機艙內的通信。也會發送自動位置報告,以幫助減少機組人員的工作量和壓力。

SD DLU 具有內建銥衛星收發器,並經過 RTCA DO-178B、D 級軟體認證。它在許多流行的飛機類型上都有 STC,包括挑戰者、獵鷹、灣流、BBJ、空中巴士和里爾噴氣機。它可以整合到各種駕駛艙系統中,並且易於安裝,無需配置。

DLU Device

Weather and Entertainment Services

SD partners with SiriusXM Aviation to bring you satellite-delivered weather and entertainment services in flight. 

Navigate more safely with access to the latest, location-specific weather information displayed in high-resolution graphics throughout your flight. SiriusXM Pilot Pro provides comprehensive data on NEXRAD storm cells, lightning, TAFs and METARs, temporary flight restrictions, wind forecasts, turbulence, icing, surface visibility, and more. Dynamic data elements, such as radar and lightning, are updated every 2.5 minutes, while more static information is updated every 60+ minutes. 

Enjoy ad-free music, sports, talk shows, comedy, and news on over 150 channels through SiriusXM Satellite Radio on your cockpit audio system. All you need is a compatible receiver for service availability in continental United States, Canada, and coastal regions.

Contact the SD team for more details.

Telemedicine Service

SD partners with Aircare International to provide a comprehensive and affordable medical program to further enhance safety, from pre-trip preparation until you return. This includes 24/365 emergency telemedicine and tele-support services, in-flight medical training, medical kit management, security, and safety reports.

Aircare International is fully integrated with SD FlightDeck Freedom, which enables their team to track your flight in real time, prepare for emergency situations that may occur on your flight route, and contact the aircraft by phone or text. 

Contact the SD team for more details.

Aircare International logo
space satellite services icon

Satellite Services

L, Ku, and Ka-band services from industry-leading satellite network operators.

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Devices & Terminals

High-performance SD Plane Simple® Antenna Systems and cabin routers.

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Cybersecurity Solutions

Protect your airborne network and inflight data from cyber threats.

Service & Support

Award-winning 24/365 global support for the best possible user experience.

gogo sd full color logo

Gogo Business Aviation (Gogo) and Satcom Direct (SD) have come together to form the only truly global, multi-orbit, multi-band in-flight connectivity provider, serving the fast-growing business aviation and military/government mobility markets.

This strategic partnership combines two industry-leading technology companies that will deliver best in class, purpose-built solutions for all segments of the business aviation market.

We are reimagining the inflight wi-fi experience from tip to tail to connect you beyond all expectations. Whether for corporate jets or military aircraft, we will continue to set the standard for reliability, security, and innovation in aviation connectivity.

Together, Gogo and Satcom Direct are shaping the future of inflight connectivity, making it easier than ever for customers to stay connected without limitations.  Learn more